In association with:

The 3:10 Bookcase

Individual Study Materials:

Click on the icons below to access downloadable booklets linked to the website sections on The Basics of Faith, Life in the Spirit and Sharing Christ's Compassion.

Group Study Materials:

Click on the icons below to access downloadable booklets for Group study


The Basics of Faith

Ten sessions covering the topics of Finding God; The Meaning of Being Born Again; Baptism in Water & In the Holy Spirit; Walking with Jesus Day by Day; The Battle between the Old & New Natures; Spiritual Warfare; The Cross: God's Answer to Evil; Life after Death The Church as The Body of Christ & The Family of God; Celebrating the Lord's Supper.



Life in the Spirit

A New Creation; Called & Commissioned; The Gifts of the Spirit  - Knowing Gifts - Speaking Gifts  -  Doing Gifts; Building Up The Body  -  Love Bulds Up  -  Healthy Relationships; The Fruit of the Spirit  -  love in Nine Flavours; Reaching Out  -  Evangelism & Mission



Sharing Christ's Compassion

The Problem of Evil & Suffering; God's Answer to Evil - The Cross of Christ; Life After Death; Spiritual Warfare (1); Spiritual Warfare (2); Christian Suffering & Grief; Sharing Christ's Suffering; Christian Missions to the Hurting; Identifying with the Persecuted Church; Why Me, Lord?; Turning Tragedies to Triumphs.